
Raw Milk Sales

Raw milk sales of ANY kind are currently illegal in West Virginia. There are no loopholes (believe me, I've looked!). On these pages you will find links to some information about raw milk in general, and also the latest news on the fight to legalize raw milk in WV. (2014 Legislative Session, 2015 Legislative Session)

Latest News

It's now 2015, and the new legislative session will be starting soon. The end of December raw milk received some press, and you can find those articles linked on the 2015 Legislative Session page. As soon as the session starts and bills are introduced, I'll post that information.

What Now?

For now, keep trying to raise awareness that the WV legislature is willing to consider bills legalizing raw milk. Tell as many people as you can. Write in a "Letter to the Editor" of your local paper. Get active with the West Virginia Alliance for Raw Milk (more info on them below). The more support we can gather in advance for next year's session the more likely we can get a bill passed. As soon as new bills are introduced this year, I'll post information on specifically who to be calling.

I will try to keep this page updated with current information. If you would like to be added to a list to receive email updates (no spam, just occasional updates from me about any new bills and how to help get them passed) you can e-mail me with a request. If you don't do email, you can also call for updates: 304-864-4844. We're often at the barn, but leave a message with your number and you'll get a call back.

West Virginia Alliance for Raw Milk

The West Virginia Alliance for Raw Milk is non-profit made up of people like me. Some are farmers, some just want the choice to consume raw milk. You don't need to "join" in any way - just bookmark their web site or like their Facebook page. Supporters of raw milk need a rallying point, and this association is it. While I will try to keep this web page updated with general news, the WV-ARM pages are the place to go to keep most up to date and find out about coordinated efforts of who needs to be contacted and when.

      WV-ARM Facebook Page

      WV-ARM Web Page